
Join a Volunteer Committee or Short-Term Museum Task-Force

Active committees are the lifeblood of the museum and new participants are warmly welcomed! we offer both long-term and short-term volunteer opportunities.

Current Committees: 

Programs and Exhibits: Plan and recruit speakers for the yearly schedule of the Gifford Historical Museum Lectures Series; plan, organize, and help set up programs and exhibits.

Collections: Provides oversight of Museum artifacts--help preserve and store artifacts, determine what we accept and keep for our collections.

Fundraising: Plan, organize and direct fundraising events.

Building and Grounds: Prioritize, oversee and help with repairs and physical improvements to both the museum BUILDING and grounds.


Short-Term Task Groups:

Don’t let limited time commitment stop you from getting involved! Short-term task forces are the perfect opportunity for part-time REsidents to stay involved!

Education Task group: To determine how the Museum and its resources can best meet the needs of teachers and local schools.

Feedback Task group: To determine how best to gather feedback from events, programs,  exhibits and lectures.

Strategic Plan: Begin the strategic planning process for the Museum and Cultural center.

Publications: Set up guidelines for local authors who wish to write historical books/pamphlets for the museum.


For more information contact Jonnie Mae Perry 772-985-7573